AVM SA 8.3

Our Price: 9,900 19,990 € (You save: 10,090 €)
New / Used Demo
(Demo means this product has been used with the greatest care in our store. We handle all our products gently and with love. You can be sure that the product's value has remained as new.)
Product Type Stereo amplifier
Brand AVM (vas zanima več o znamki AVM)
Age 6 months
Finish black
Full price of new product 19,990 €
complete, with original packaging

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makridisavel  (08 Jul. 15 / 21:16)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

Precise description. Products works 100% & looks 100%. Seller kind, very helpful, answers quickly, and very flexible.

gsgsgs  (15 Nov. 14 / 13:56)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

I wanted to say thank you a lot about this transaction and if i could rate audiomarkt users I would give you the price for number one!!!!!
I cannot imagine to do it better! Always again!